1191 Main Street
East Hartford, CT 06108




Nuts + Bolts

Glass + Screens

Window Repair

About Us

One of the oldest hardware stores, Main Hardware Supply has been a cornerstone of the Connecticut community, earning its place as one of the state’s oldest and most respected hardware stores. Our legacy is one of tradition, quality, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Since its foundation, we’ve continually served homeowners, contractors, and DIY enthusiasts with dedication and pride.

In response to the evolving digital age, we’re actively modernizing our presence. Our aim is to provide a contemporary and appealing online experience that reflects the enduring quality and reliability synonymous with Main Hardware Supply. We’re leveraging technology to enhance convenience while preserving the personal touch that sets us apart.

Our loyalty goes beyond the products we offer; it’s deeply rooted in our local community. We believe in giving back and supporting the place we call home. Main Hardware Supply is more than just a store; it’s a partner in your projects, a neighbor in your community, and a dependable friend. Thank you for choosing Main Hardware Supply, where tradition meets innovation, and local values shine through in everything we do.



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About Us